Location: Indianapolis, IN
Construction Cost: $1,900,000
Services: Construction Administration
The Monon Trail Rehabilitation project consisted of widening and resurfacing the existing trail from 10th Street to 56th Street. This also included construction of rest nodes areas and street approach improvements. Phase I is from 16th Street to 56th Street; Phase II is from 56th Street to 96th Street, however 10th St to 16th Street shall bere constructed by INDOT as part of the North Split Project. JQOL’s staff augmentation role for this project was Construction Project Manager for DPW.
Construction Cost: $1,900,000
Services: Construction Administration
The Monon Trail Rehabilitation project consisted of widening and resurfacing the existing trail from 10th Street to 56th Street. This also included construction of rest nodes areas and street approach improvements. Phase I is from 16th Street to 56th Street; Phase II is from 56th Street to 96th Street, however 10th St to 16th Street shall bere constructed by INDOT as part of the North Split Project. JQOL’s staff augmentation role for this project was Construction Project Manager for DPW.